(905) 951-6000 info@maurogroup.ca


Land Surveying and More.


Leading Edge Technology + Real World Experience

Experience matters, as does the deployment of the latest technology by highly skilled staff who are properly trained and capable of working in an efficient and safe manner.

Some of the services provided are:

Topographic Surveys

Topographic surveys are plans that show the physical properties of a site. These plans may be used by Engineers and Planners to assist with the design of a development proposal, but are not the plans used for the development application. A topographic survey may compliment a development application. It shows the physical constraints that the proponent must consider in a development application, or a detailed design of a site for development purposes.

The surveyor often provides the topographic plan, which shows vertical elevations or contours, as well as physical details above, on and below the ground. Contours are lines on the drawing that join points that have the same elevation on the ground. Contour lines never cross each other, and the closer the lines are to each other, the steeper the slope. Conversely, the further apart the lines are from each other, the flatter the slope.



Reference Plan (R-Plan)

These plans are deposited in the local Land Registry Office and are graphical representations of descriptions of land, as well as representations of divisions of land under the Planning Act RSO, 1990 Ch.P.13. A reference plan is necessary for a severance. Each Land Registry Office has a unique number, and reference plan numbers include the number of the office in which they are deposited. Reference plans show the surveyed boundary and dimensions as well as any physical or documentary evidence that could affect the title to the property. This may include the location of fences, hedges, retaining walls, overhead wires, etc. in relation to the boundaries and any easements or rights-of-way that are evident or that are registered on title. Buildings or other improvements on the property are generally not shown unless they were used to position the boundary or they encroach on the property.

A reference plan must be surveyed by a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor.


Surveyors Real Property Report

This is a plan of survey and report prepared under Sections 28, 29 and 30 of O.Reg. 216/10 of the Surveyors Act, RSO, 1990 Ch. S.29. A SRPR is prepared specifically to illustrate the location of buildings or structures relative to the boundaries of a unit of land. It also shows the location of any other physical features and registered encumbrances, such as easements, on or immediately adjacent to the property. In a Real Estate transaction, a current Surveyor’s Real Property Report provides the purchaser, the seller, the lending institution, the municipality, the Realtor and all other parties to the transaction with an accurate representation of the property prior to the purchase being completed. A Surveyor’s Real Property Report must be prepared by a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor.


Plan of Subdivision

M-plan (Registered in the Land Titles system)
Registered Plan (RP) (Registered in Registry system)

Upon registration in the Land Registry Office, after appropriate approvals have been obtained, these plans subdivide property into two or more new parcels, units, or lots and set out the boundaries of these new lots for the first time. The approval process is governed by section 51 of the Planning Act RSO 1990 Ch. P.13 and includes consideration of where streets, parks and dwellings will be located. A registered plan of subdivision shows: the surveyed boundaries, numbering and dimensions of lots, the location, width and names of streets, and the sites of future schools and parks. These plans do not show specific building locations.

A plan of subdivision must be surveyed by a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor.


Condominium Plans

A Condominium Plan is also a plan of subdivision, which creates new parcels of land called Units. The major difference is that, except in the case of a vacant land condominium, the units are three-dimensional, with the boundaries being the physical surfaces of the buildings themselves. Since units may be located above and below each other, the legal description of the parcel must specify the Unit Number, Level Number and Plan Number. Unit owners share the ownership and the cost of maintaining the parts of the condominium that are not units.

Condominium Plans must be prepared by a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor.


Boundary Surveys

Before you build, let us determine your property boundaries and replace any missing survey monuments. Allowing a surveyor to mark the location of your fence or building on site before construction begins will also ensure that you meet setback requirements and other restrictions enforced by the Municipality in their zoning By-Laws. Failure to comply with zoning By-Laws could result in a “Stop Work “order, the non-advancement of mortgage funds, or the loss of a future sale.


Land Development Consulting

MGI has experience processing Land Severance applications and has worked on small to large projects with various consultants including planners, engineers, architects, sub-surface utility engineers and other land related professionals. We can recommend a consultant to meet our clients’ needs or work with their preferred consultant. The work flow will be seamless as we deploy CAD software that can be exported in several standard formats plus integrate our work effectively with that of other consultants.


Drainage Engineering Design

Once you have your architectural drawings for the proposed structure, we can prepare a Grading Plan that includes the preparation of a boundary survey to ensure by-law conformity, a topographic survey for the determination of the existing grades and drainage, and the proposed grade design. We can also work with other land professionals on large or complicated projects to ensure the highest quality product.


Site Plans

When proposing a new development to the local municipality, a Site Plan application is required that includes many of the above services. We can check and ensure extent of title, and note planning restrictions, easements and other legalities. Prepare a legal boundary and, if necessary, other surveys (for example a topographic survey) of the site. Engage other consultants, if necessary, to carry out preliminary studies of Engineering, Planning and Environmental issues that must normally be submitted with a a Consent Application. Prepare a Draft Plan of the proposed subdivision or condominium and prepare the final plans required for registration or deposit in the Land Registry system.


Building Layouts

Once a building permit has been issued, we can derive the building location from the approved site plan and layout its location for excavation. Depending on the structure, foundations can be located with either pinning of the footing or establishment of grid lines to enable proper positioning of larger buildings that may include steel and other structural positioning needs. The final “as-built” location of the structure can also be provided for financing or municipal zoning by-law approval.


Precise Measurement and Monitoring Services

We deploy the latest survey technology that includes the ability to measure any structure location to millimetre accuracy. Targets can be applied to the structure (i.e. building face or foundation, railway, steel supports) with measurements taking place over time to ensure the structure is within engineered tolerances. Our equipment can also take measurements remotely at various intervals or spacing along the face of the structure that can yield a dense cloud of 3D points that can be used for various purposes, such as determining any movement or stability of the structure.